
You deserve to send your kids to a great local school, have access to high-quality jobs, enjoy well-maintained parks and roads, and above all, to always feel safe in your neighborhood. That’s why I’ve defeated partisan attempts to defund Phoenix police and was able to secure funding to hire more police officers and firefighters.

On the city council, I’m working to address the police staffing shortage and ensuring our first responders have the resources they need to keep our community safe and reduce response times. I’m doing that by bringing high-tech tools to first responders. I’ve passed legislation to provide drones to police and firefighters and this year we opened the Real Time Operations Center, which is already solving more crimes in Phoenix because of the new equipment and technology it provides.


Phoenix is one of the fastest-growing cities in America. As our population grows, we must make smart choices to strengthen our economy and attract good, high-paying jobs to our city. District 1 is quickly becoming an international hub for semiconductor chip manufacturing, and the high paying jobs it brings to our neighborhoods. 

As your City Councilmember, I strive to attract more high-quality employers that offer the high-tech, high-wage careers of the future. I also support the small businesses in our community, which serve as the backbone of our economy. It’s not just about more jobs -- it’s about the right jobs for our community. On the council, I carefully consider the businesses that come to North Phoenix and grow here, build strong partnerships and always seek a strong and vibrant economy for our families. 

I’m particularly proud of the work done to redevelop Metrocenter. One of my first jobs was at Metrocenter Mall as a teenager, and now through the Metro Community District, we’re in the process of bringing new shopping, jobs, and housing to what had been 300 acres of vacant buildings and empty parking lots.



As a former member of Deer Valley Unified School District’s Governing Board, I know schools are the hubs of our communities, places where families gather and kids make formative friendships, where clothing and food drives bring people together in service. And I’m proud of my record on education - in my time serving on the DVUSD Governing Board, test scores and graduation rates exceeded expectations every single year. 

 As we all experience growing up and raising families, we’re reminded that education is connected to everything else that matters in our neighborhoods. Strong schools create safe, vibrant communities and attract the employers of the future to our city. On the city council, I am dedicated to this vision and am always seeking opportunities to support our schools. Just recently, I supported a measure to allow retired police officers to serve as school resource officers to keep our schools safe.



Every working family should be able to afford a great place to live. That’s why I’m addressing the housing shortage head on by increasing the diversity of housing options in District 1 and across the city. On the city council, I’ve passed legislation to make it easier to build accessory dwelling units and modified parking requirements to lower costs for hardworking Phoenicians.

The rapid increase in homelessness over the last few years is a direct result of the rising cost of housing. Addressing the housing shortage is one of the most important things we can do to prevent homelessness in the first place. 

I also led in developing Phoenix’s Homelessness Solutions Plan, to provide mental health, career, and housing resources for those currently homeless.  And, in order to keep our neighborhoods safe, I’ve also worked with the federal government to change camping policies along canals and increased security at our parks.


Growing up, I learned the value of a good transportation system. I used to take the bus to Metrocenter as a teenager, and like many of us, I remember the time before our freeway system was fully established. We’ve made a lot of progress. Now, Phoenix must continue to build on that progress in every part of the city. District 1 should always be getting its fair share of transportation funding, and our tax dollars should go right back into fixing our streets and funding more public transportation options serving District 1 residents. 

On the City Council, I’ve championed measures to upgrade and improve our neighborhood streets and freeways, particularly on the I-17. In January of 2024, we opened the Northwest Extension of the light rail to Metrocenter, two years ahead of schedule, connecting even more residents to jobs, parks, healthcare, and other important services.

Intentional, connected public transportation options such as light rail, buses, pathways and cycle lanes are vital for creating safe, vibrant neighborhoods that serve every single resident, including older residents, students and people with disabilities. As our population continues to grow, we must make investments today that will support our community tomorrow.  


Delivering clean, reliable water to every family in Phoenix is one of the most important roles of city government, and a responsibility that I take very seriously as your City Council representative. I’m fighting to protect the city's water supply, including the Colorado River water that is essential to District 1. As we manage the growth of our city, the long term supply of water in Phoenix is always top of mind. Water is a daily necessity upon which we all rely, and one I will never take for granted. 
